Monday, April 16, 2012

Please Pardon Our Appearance... And Absence

My non-beery life is interfering with my beery one. Home renovations, work and opening day of Little League have culminated into a cacophony of reasons for why I won't be able to be as attentive to my bloggly duties this week. At least not as attentive as I normally am. Such is the burden of the husband, a owner of an old house, and presumptive champion tee-ball coach. Something has to give and it's usually the beer. Not the drinking of the beer, mind you, just the writing about it.

Yes, yes, I know I'm not holding up my end of the bargin—but fear not I will return next week with Albany Ale updates, the winner (or perhaps winners) of the #Sessionbeerday Haiku Contest, more about canned versus bottle beer —and much, much more (well, at least more). I will, during this little break, be checking the blog for comments and my email so feel free to drop me a line.

So, stay tuned—same beery time, same beery channel.


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